
I’m Above Average…Aaaand I’m Below Average.

There’s a new poll from Durex about sex around the world.

It turns out my fellow Americans really aren’t getting the job done.

When it comes to sexual partners, the average guy in the U.S. has had 13 partners. So I’m above average on that one…BUT.

The average American has sex once every 4.3 days, that’s 85 times a year (this reveals an interesting fact that most American women are not having sex with me). This is far far far wayyy wayyy waayyyy below my number. The global average is 103 times. 103!!!!!!

Here’s the breakdown via this link:

American men average 13 partners, which is:- Ten less than Canadians (23)- Three less than the British (16)- One less than Mexicans (14)- Equal to the global average (13)
American women average nine partners, which is:- One less than Canadians (10)- One less than the British (10)- Three more than Mexicans (6)- Two more than the global average (7)
Why do we have less sex than others in the world. Why do I have less sex than you do?
Wait, does jerking off count? If so, then I’m having sex more than 700 times a year (unless I’m lucky enough to be under strict orders not to.:)). Damn, I should buy stock in a lube company.