Found Femdom

Found Femdom: It’s Back!

A friend sent me another heaping helpful of Found Femdom.  All I could find out about the shoot is that it’s Constance Jablonski in Antidote #2.

There appears to be some switching going on as well, I’m sure some would argue that there’s a few images here where there isn’t any actual domming going on but that’s for your imagination to fill in the blanks.

Feel free to send me more if you stumble upon them.




Found Femdom: Levis

Thanks to another eagle-eyed reader I’ve got two more Found Femdom images to share, this time from Levis.

Human furniture is a very popular theme in fashion photography. (Sade said that when I showed her these images, made me sound smart right?).




Found Femdom: Skyy Vodka

Yeah it’s been a while since I’ve featured any Found Femdom.  Either I’ve been too busy to notice any new Femdom in mainstream media or it’s now making a comeback.

Walking home the other night I spotted a new ad campaign for Skyy Vodka.  They even go as far to print “Kinky was here”.

Feel free to send me any Found Femdom you may have come across.


Found……something or….other

A reader sent me this one.

Found Femdom is in the eye of the beholder and this one is a prime example of that.

So the point of this advertisement is that she’s a strong woman, so strong that she can handle the fact that her man let a dog hump his leg so long that it rubbed the fabric of his pants down to nothing and she’s going to sew it up (I assume to encourage the behavior again) and do it over her knee.

Oh and Vaseline.


Found Femdom: Naomi Campbell

A friend tweeted this Found Femdom post (@unspeakableaxe by the way if you’d like to say hi) and I’m posting it straight away!

Naomi Campbell in a photo shoot for Interview magazine.  This may be one of the only Found Femdom images I’ve seen that displays blood.





