Found Femdom

Found Femdom: We TV..Blah

Not all Found Femdom is good Found Femdom.

Case and point is this ad for the We TV show Bridezillas. These posters are all over New York right now.

I can’t really say wether or not the show is any good but…it is a reality show so that pretty much tell me everything I need to know.


No, the broom isn’t part of the ad, but one friend suggested that it’s about the same size as the stick up her butt.

Found Femdom: If I Had A Thing For Trampling

Here’s a photo sent to me by a kind reader. If I were into trampling it would probably be among my jerkoff material (that is, if I were allowed to jerk off….and I’m not). One doesn’t need to be into it though to see the appeal. I mean, I can imagine being on the floor while Sade stands over me and looks at me in that “You’re mine and what I’m about to do with you will drive that point home even more”, kinda thing.   

Then again I’m not really into wearing suits.

In fact I don’t even know where my one suit is. Hmm It’s not in storage, I don’t have anything in storage right now.

Did I mention that I’m writing this just after taking pills for back pain?

It’s by Karl Lagerfeld by the way.

Keep up the good work Karl! Saaaaaaluuuute


Found Femdom: Smoke ‘Em If You Got Em

Thanks to the reader who emailed these to me.

I only have a few questions:

1: Why did they pick someone who looks like Dr. Frank-N-Furter?

2: Why is he offering her a smoke when she all ready has one?

3: Why is he bleeding from the wrist?

4: What does Testing the West have anything to do with a woman dressed in kink wear?



Found Femdom: Agent Provocateur

A reader (thank you!!!) sent me this found femdom image.

The only thing about this image is the impending punch in the face. I prefer to imagine female dominance coming from a place of sexual arousal and pleasure not anger, though who knows…maybe this is what she’s into.


It’s part of the same ad campaign that Agent Provocateur ran along with this video:

Agent Provocateur

Found Femdom: In The Tube

I know, I know, i’ve been so busy lately what with moving into a new apartment and my 2nd job picking up more steam. I promise to get back to writing more in the next week or so.

Meanwhile here’s some Found Femdom from the U.K. (Or so I was told).

What’s a woman to do when there’s no spots left to sit on the subway???
