Cuddling And Why It Pays To Be A Pro Domme

I’m such a freak for cuddling.

I love it.

I can’t cuddle with just anyone of course, but wow. When there’s that connection. The warm body, the smell of her skin. The way two bodies can fit together so perfectly.

Have you ever woken up while cuddling, maybe at 5 or 6 in the morning and your just barely awake enough to realize your cuddling but you can’t think of anything else other than the feeling of being half awake and cuddling? That my friends, is perfection.

I’ve heard of Cuddle Parties, and have been tempted to go to one here in New York. The thing is, I doubt random cuddling would have the same result. It’s an interesting concept though.

It would have to be in my top 5 favorite things in the world. Cuddling along with being beaten, bondage, oral worship and…hmmm something else.

Maybe a Macbook Pro.

That reminds me, a Pro Domme friend of mine recently made a guy buy her a Macbook Pro.

There was some sub that just emailed her out of the blue and wanted to pay for her bills, so she said “OK, here you go…oh..and buy me a new Macbook Pro”, and the guy did it!

Can you imagine? Someone buying you a Mac and they’ve never even met you?

That’s even more intimate than cuddling with someone you don’t know.


Man, I wish someone would buy me a fancy digital SLR camera system just for fun…

The few times I’ve been “domme” it has had some rewards.

Cuddling is one of the most awesome things in the world. I am a total cuddle whore. Macbooks are also awesome; however, someone randomly spending that much money on me would totally freak me out. Perhaps this is why I am not a pro-domme.

i will never understand how a guy can get off on spending $$ on a woman he will never meet.

I was dead set against the concept of Cuddle Parties, but then I wound up attending one at Dark Odyssey Summer Camp. I am glad that I decided to have an open mind because I thought it was well done. But it still doesn’t beat cuddling with someone with whom I have an established bond.

“Have you ever woken up while cuddling, maybe at 5 or 6 in the morning and your just barely awake enough to realize your cuddling but you can’t think of anything else other than the feeling of being half awake and cuddling? That my friends, is perfection.”

Mmmm, yes. And exactly what Rona said.

hmm someone offered to buy me a mac book but I said no I suspect he would have too but who knows

Anyway, yep, love cuddles

I’m cuddling with my Mac right now.

Downtown- you and me both’re getting the best of both worlds!

Yeah, I’m such a sucker for cuddling, maybe someday I’d go to a cuddle party, but…that day isn’t today

axe: i think i would probably just be a bad cuddle party attendee. i mean like what if i’m cuddling with a hottie and get turned on? which would probably happen cuz i’m like pretty you know easily aroused. i’m not gonna wanna just CUDDLE anymore. but since other stuff isn’t allowed, i’d just have to like “cuddle through it”? makes me dizzy to think about. still, i’ll go to one someday.