morning sex

Happy Fucking Friday

We are both sleeping, spooning and the universe is perfect.

I have a case of very early morning wood and because of the tight spooning it wakes her up.

Normally when she sleep-fucks me she rides and I’m such a heavy sleeper that I can completely sleep through it all or if I’m lucky I’ll wake with a vague memory.

This time she’s the little spoon and I fuck unconsciously until the pleasure wakes me up and I start to fuck in earnest.

I had no idea if I woke up late for work or if it was a long time before. Usually I’m the one who wakes her up for early weekday sex.

After she’s thoroughly roused and satisfied she lets me cum and we lay there for a moment before heading off to the shower. Passing the clock I see its 5:30.

Sade: You could go jogging.

Me:Perfect, I can sleep for a couple of minutes then go for a run before work.

Sade:If you cuddle and sleep now there’s no way you’ll wake up early enough to go for a run.

“I’ll show her” I think to myself as we spoon and drift off together.

Of course I woke up late with only seconds to spare before needing to head to work.

Worth it